Same-as-Cash payment system

The complete payment solution of the future

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The 1KeyPay system is built on a unique platform, fully responsive, ready to display your content on any device that can access the web!
1KeyPay comes complete with custom-tailored content for quick setup, to start receiving payment instantly from anyone, anywhere and from any type of currency.
1KeyPay system has been built from the ground up to take advantage of the latest technologies, so you can now accept payments based money, e-payment or cryptocurrency.
Payment to and from any country, without special setup, is the way of the future, and it is here, right now!

Register today for all benefits

Listing on this platform is totally free of charge, but you must be legally registered in your country. Our main database already includes all registered businesses in the USA, while other countries are being gradually added. A listing must be claimed and activated to activate its customization, and to ensure all payments are accurately credited to the proper account of your choice.

What it does for you

1KeyPay enables you to receive payment made with any type of currency, e-payments (cards, Paypal, Gpay, Apple Pay, AliPay, etc), or cryptocurrency, without any other equipment other than your phone, tablet or computer. With the built in functionality of 1KeyPay you now have the ability to set up unlimited sources of payments and have the equivalent paid in your own currency, to a bank account, debit card or any registered electronic payment system (Paypal, etc) of your choice, allowing you to conduct business more effectively and at lower cost.

What it does for your customers

1KeyPay allows your clients to pay you the way they prefer, whether it be with cash, check, debit or credit card, Paypal, Gpay, ApplePay, AliPay, and other type of e-payment, or even using cryptocurrency. Using a simple mobile App or a computer, in person or from the comfort of their home, payments are quick and secure, thus making look professional and up-to-date with the latest technology.

How to take full advantage

1KeyPay offers a wealth of services, starting with the totally free version. To conduct business using our platform all you need to do is register to access your profile to select the form of payment you wish to be able to accept, and the account you wish your funds to be credited to. It will take a moment and you can change your settings at will. But there are several other services offered, for a small fee, if you happen to need or use any of them. Contact us for more details.